This is an Enabling Natural Resources and Well-being (ENRaW) project - Tyfu Dyfi – food, nature and wellbeing.
Starting in Sept 2021, the project will run until the 30th of June, 2023. The partner organisations are: ecodyfi (lead), Aber Food Surplus, Mach Maethlon, Centre for Alternative Technology, Aberystwyth University, Penparcau Community Forum, Garden Organic.
This pilot project is about demonstrating how communities can be involved in their local food systems and enumerating the multiple benefits that accrue.
All food undergoes a journey of varying complexity from production to consumption or disposal. This project focuses on Welsh local food systems and the opportunities for greater involvement of people at appropriate stages in the life cycle. All tasks involving growing will adhere to agroecological principles and be designed to contribute to green infrastructure.
The idea is to provide a national exemplar demonstrating how multiple organisations can cooperate on local food systems to mobilise producers, consumers and communities in response to national priorities such as addressing poverty, improving wellbeing, climate change and biodiversity loss.
Main proposed investments:
Training in growing – for food, wildlife, wellbeing and to enhance the environment. Increasing the number of growing sites in the area
Developing the market for locally produced food, eg, by integrating a virtual online food hub with physical outlets, through branding, by exploring a local food ecosystem approach
Community cooking events
Small number field scale trials with farmers interested in developing agroecological models of sustainable farming including a social aspect
Education related: motivating future generations in schools, conducting research necessary to effectively share knowledge
Leasing a small amount of land adjacent to a residential area and establishing a community led agricultural enterprise
Expressing an interest in working with the Tyfu Dyfi team
As indicated above,Tyfu Dyfi has some resources available to support the development of a more resilient, sustainable local food system. There are various ways people can get involved; if you are interested, please visit this page.
News about the Tyfu Dyfi project
As part of the Tyfu Dyfi project, a ‘Field Scale Trials’ group has been established to expand the local crop repertoire. Katie Hastings describes how community organisation Mach Maethlon have been working with local growers to trial new crops and change the local food landscape… HERE.
If you'd like to receive news about the Tyfu Dyfi project see below.
If you'd like to keep in touch with volunteer opportunities and other news about the project then you can register to receive a newsletter by going HERE.
We have been trying to work out a way to share the regular volunteering opportunities with everyone across the Biosphere. It is too time consuming to be sending out emails listing volunteering sessions each week, especially as many sessions are regular weekly sessions and we don't have a comprehensive list of interested people in the Biosphere.
Blas Dyfi Taste
In order to develop the market for locally produced food by integrating a virtual online food hub with physical outlets and through branding Blas Dyfi Taste was set up – see here.
A community pilot project in Ceredigion, Gwledda brought communities together to grow and share food, to learn about the environment and issues affecting climate change, wildlife etc, and to dress all of this in the arts, sharing stories, songs, dance, craft work etc. A celebration under the stars was held on the National Eisteddfod of Wales Maes in tregaron Ceredigion in the summer of 2022.
The intention was to prepare a Feasibility Study, and the work of the Co-ordinator would feed into this Study.
The work included:
1. Exploring ‘target areas’ in Ceredigion: Mapping green spaces and communities, and identifying suitable (existing) allotments and community gardens. The Co-ordinator was required to work with the bodies already involved in this area who were preparing reports as part of the work of the Ceredigion Public Services Board.
2. Identifying local partnerships for the project: Researching and developing community networks, and building new relationships, while also drawing on existing partnerships.
3. Developing a programme of proposed activity: Creating an action plan for the Programme with some of the key partners (including artistic, environmental and gardening/food growing elements) and agreeing a practical timeline.
– see linl to Clonc a community newspaer on the event here. Also a video.
Song by Lisa Anghard and words by Hywel Griffith. (translated by AH)
Fe ddewn ni at y pridd i fwrw beichiau,
a’u troi a’u trin a’u trafod gyda ffydd,
ac wedi rhoi y fforch a’r rhaw i gadw,
gadawn yn ysgafnach ddiwedd dydd.
Mi ddewn ni at blodau’n y basgedi,
a’u cyfarch nhw fel ffrindie bore oes,
cael bwrw bol a holi’u hanes hwythe,
heb boeni y cawn unrhyw eirie croes…
Mae mwy ‘na gardd yma inni i gyd,
ni’n wreiddiau bach yn rhan o ardd y byd,
mae mwy o waith i’w wneud yma o hyd,
mae hi’n fwy na gardd i ni i gyd.
Plannwn flode gyda’r llysie yn y gornel,
mi ddewn nhw i gyd mewn dim i wneud eu rhan,
y dail yn cadw’r pridd rhag llosg yr heulwen,
a gwarchod y petalau yn y man.
Fel hwythe fe ddewn ninne at ein gilydd,
y blagur mân yng nghysgod dail y coed,
a thyfu yn anniben am fod border
a chwysi bywyd pawb yn gam erioed.
Mae mwy ‘na gardd yma inni i gyd,
ni’n wreiddiau bach yn rhan o ardd y byd,
mae mwy o waith i’w wneud yma o hyd,
mae hi’n fwy na gardd i ni i gyd.
Mi ddewn ag egni mawr ein cyfeillgarwch,
mi ddewn mewn dillad gwaith yn gwisgo gwên,
i blannu ac i fedi gyda gofal,
i fod yn rhan o gylch y ddaear hen.
Mi ddewn er lles ein hunain a’r gymuned
er lles y bancie bwyd i lawr y stryd,
mi ddewn ers lles y ddaear gron oherwydd
ym mhob un newid bach mae newid byd.
Mae mwy ‘na gardd yma inni i gyd,
ni’n wreiddiau bach yn rhan o ardd y byd,
mae mwy o waith i’w wneud yma o hyd,
mae hi’n fwy na gardd i ni i gyd.

We will come to the soil to cast burdens,
and turn them and handle them and discuss them with faith,
and having put away the fork and spade,
we leave lighter at the end of the day.
We come to flowers in the baskets,
and greet them as a lifelong friend,
to have a chat and ask them about their history,
without worrying that we will get any cross words...
There is more than a garden here for all of us,
we are little roots part of the garden of the world,
there is still more work to be done here,
it is more than a garden for us all.
We plant a flower with the herb in the corner,
they all come in nothing to do their part,
the leaves keep the soil from the burning sun,
and protect the petals in time.
Like them we will come together,
the fine buds in the shade of the tree leaves,
and grow messy because there is a border
and the furrows of our lives aren’t always straight .
There is more than a garden here for all of us,
we are little roots part of the garden of the world,
there is still more work to be done here,
it is more than a garden for us all.
We bring the great energy of our friendship,
We come in work clothes wearing a smile,
to plant and reap with care,
to be part of the circle of the old earth.
We come for the benefit of ourselves and the community
for the benefit of the food banks down the street,
I come for the good of the round earth because
in every small change there is a changing world.
There is more than a garden here for all of us,
we are little roots part of the garden of the world,
there is still more work to be done here,
it is more than a garden for us all.