Many businesses, voluntary organisations, schools, individuals and public bodies carry out activities that help make the Biosphere’s vision for the area more real. Here we list some that are most closely associated with the Biosphere initiative

Perennial Green Manures
Ecodyfi will work with local farmers and growers to trial a new technique of crop fertilisation. Perennial green manures are fertilisers made from plant material grown in biodiverse areas of coppice woodland and perennial plantings.
The Perennial Green Manures project is supported by the Carbon Innovation Fund - a partnership between the Co-op and the Co-op Foundation. It supports food and farming projects that are tackling the climate crisis by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. https://www.coopfoundation.org.uk/blog/carbon-innovation-launch/
Aberystwyth University’s Beacon project will be working with the project to process the plant leaves to increase the ease of application to cropland. https://beaconwales.org/
If you are a grower or farmer local to the Dyfi valley and would like to take part, please contact Clo.Ward@dyfibiosphere.wales.

Tyfu Dyfi
Is an European Grant funded project which will run until the 30th of June, 2023. The partner organisations are: ecodyfi (lead), Aber Food Surplus, Mach Maethlon, Centre for Alternative Technology, Aberystwyth University, Penparcau Community Forum, Garden Organic.
This pilot project is about demonstrating how communities can be involved in their local food systems and enumerating the multiple benefits that accrue.
All food undergoes a journey of varying complexity from production to consumption or disposal. This project focuses on Welsh local food systems and the opportunities for greater involvement of people at appropriate stages in the life cycle. All tasks involving growing will be designed to contribute to green infrastructure.
The idea is to provide a national exemplar demonstrating how multiple organisations can cooperate on local food systems to mobilise producers, consumers and communities in response to national priorities such as addressing poverty, improving wellbeing, climate change and biodiversity loss.

Ti Bia'r Biosffer
Young people from the Dyfi Valley celebrating their place, its people, culture and entrepreneurial spirit.
The Ti bia’r Biosffer project will identify and utilise those opportunities using a series of short films showcasing entrepreneurism at its best.
Young people from the area will produce the films, so Menter a Busnes are looking for enthusiastic and creative young people between 16 and 30 years old to join the production crew. The films will be released on social media.

Climate Action
Benefitting the local community through action on climate change. Supporting community climate action initiatives.
Ecodyfi has employed a part-time Climate Officer to set up a shared e-bike scheme and to promote improving home energy-efficiency using thermal cameras. This is with support from the National Lottery Climate Boost Fund.
To find out how to loan an ebike, borrow a thermal camera, see issues of the Machynlleth Climate Action Newsletter, or get involved in other ways.

Dyfi Biosphere Swift Project
Machynlleth Biodiversity Group has teamed up with local swift enthusiasts, connected through the Natur Dyfi Facebook page, to fund, build, and install swift boxes on suitable buildings in the Dyfi Biosphere. The group has successfully built an initial 20 nestboxes through donated funds and carpenters' time, and has received funding from Garthgwynion Charities for more. Can you help get the swift boxes up on buildings? Contact andy@ecodyfi.cymru if you would like a swift box, to donate, or volunteer towards making Machynlleth the ‘Swift Capital of Wales’
Dolau Dyfi
The Dolau Dyfi Project aims to enhance and create wildflower habitat and help connect people and nature through a range of activities in and near local communities. This project will undertake work to reverse the decline locally and so improve and restore flowering habitat that local people and visitors can enjoy while also benefiting pollinators, farmland birds and other species creating new opportunities to engage with nature.
The project will also invest in a programme of led walks and volunteer activities, to benefit health and well being throughout the project period, which is to continue until the end of June 2022

Mixed farming - histories and futures
The key objective of the LEADER funded ‘Mixed farming – histories and futures’ project is to illustrate that, historically, mixed farming - the growing of crops as well as the raising of livestock – was much more common in Wales than it is now. The aim is to help make the case for supporting sustainable mixed agriculture and a more resilient local food production economy. The project is based upon the recognition that small, family farms are the cornerstone of Wales’ past, current and future rural economy, culture and landscape.
Map Key - Land use in the Machynlleth area in the 1830s.
Dark brown = arable and market gardens, Purple = gardens, orchards and allotments.
This work is based on data provided through www.VisionofBritain.org.uk and uses historical Land Utilisation Survey map material which is copyright of The Land Utilisation Survey of Great Britain, 1933-49, copyright Audrey N. Clark

Trywydd Iach - Outdoor Health
Ecodyfi & Coed Lleol (Small Woods Wales) have teamed up to help our community get active outdoors in the Dyfi Biosphere to improve health & well being.
The local General Practitioner or health professional can refer individuals, or they may refer themselves.
The first program of activities started in October 2019.

Dyfi Community Energy Fund
Bro Dyfi Community Renewables Ltd is an energy generation cooperative that erected two wind turbines behind the Centre for Alternative Technology at Pantperthog. Some of the profits are put into a Community Energy Fund that is managed by ecodyfi, on behalf of the cooperative and the Community Councils for Corris and Glantwymyn. The Fund gives grants to local organisations for projects that reduce carbon emissions, such as the upgraded lighting at Pantperthog Village Hall.
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