How the Dyfi Biosphere works

The Dyfi Biosphere is run by a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, which was formerly known as ecodyfi.
It has two part-time staff and a board of directors.
Its activities are directed by a Partnership and carried out by many organisations and individuals.
While the directors of the company have legal responsibility for the day-to-day running of the Biosphere, it is the Partnership that sets the direction and priorities. The Partners are drawn from the public sector, the voluntary sector, business and local residents, and meet four times year. They oversee all activities, reporting to UNESCO through Natural Resources Wales (NRW) and the Welsh Government. The Secretariat is funded by the public sector partners in turn.
The Annual Meeting is open to all with an interest in the Dyfi Biosphere - to receive reports, to discuss what’s happening and to have their say.
Much of the Dyfi Biosphere’s work is done by people coming together to pursue their common interests. In some cases, they form thematic groups or networks, such as Education, Outdoor Health, Tourism and Research. Please contact us if you would like to know more.
Partners who fund the Biosphere secretariat: