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The Dyfi Biosphere works with schools and young people who live in the area, with visiting groups and potentially with schools across Wales. We want to use the UNESCO accreditation for this special area to create inspiring opportunities for young people to shape the future where they live.

Dyfi Biosphere Education Group - DBEG

The Dyfi Biosphere Education Group is a network of formal and informal professional education providers in the Dyfi Biosphere, meeting to share ideas and develop resources. We promote learning:

​About the Dyfi Biosphere:
  • what Biosphere Reserves are, and why they are important

  • how the Biosphere relates to local and global challenges

  • how things change and how people can play a part in shaping the Biosphere to provide a sustainable, high quality environment into the future, locally and globally

In the Dyfi Biosphere:
  • Observe real life examples of human and natural physical processes of change, and how they are interrelated;

  • Undertake meaningful enquiries that explore the concept of sustainability

  • Embrace the inspiration of the natural environment and human achievements of the Biosphere


For the Dyfi Biosphere:
  • ​Observe and engage with those currently working to sustain the Biosphere, and their visions for the future

  • Identify the values and behaviours that will contribute to a sustainable future

  • Investigate how they can play part in contributing to a sustainable future

  • Develop skills that they can use to help shape that future

Achieving these outcomes


We will:

  • Accommodate a range of different learning styles, both formal and informal

  • Offer schools, colleges, communities and other organisations opportunities for collaboration

  • Draw together different aspects of learning or subject disciplines

Facilitating the process: The Dyfi Biosphere Education Group 


Facilitating the process: The Dyfi Biosphere Education Group 

The DBEG is a network of both formal and informal professional education providers in the Dyfi Biosphere. The group exists to coordinate the delivery of effective education provision within a Biosphere context. 

For more on Education in the Biosphere contact Jane Powell via our website form.

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Image by Jasmine Storrie, IGCSE student, after a visit to the Biosphere

Dyfi Biosphere Education Group
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Dyfi Biosphere Education Group
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