Tree Group
To make a contribution to the biodiversity crisis, draw down carbon and improve food security, Tyfu Dyfi wants to help increase the amount of trees grown in appropriate places within the Dyfi Biosphere area. If you are interested in working with us and being part of a small group of individuals / community groups / farmers / growers initiating tree planting between now and the end of the project in June 2023, please read the following.
What we are looking for:
Focussing on native tree species and heritage / native varieties of fruit and nut trees, Tyfu Dyfi (working with our partner the Woodland Trust in Wales) has some resources available to facilitate tree planting in the area.
We want to connect with individuals / community groups / farmers / growers who have an idea for an area of land they would like to plant with native tree species and/or heritage varieties of fruit / nut trees. Participants will need:
a good idea! Preferrably one that contributes to biodiversity in your area, increases well-being and contributes to green infratructure
either your own land on which to grow, or an agreement to plant on someone else's land
depending on your idea, we may require you demonstrate broad community support
a social aspect would be good but not essential; we would be particularly interested to hear any ideas that include the involvement of local communities and/or people from the more urban areas within the Biosphere
What we can offer:
Working closely with our partner the Woodland Trust for Wales, we can support interested parties by:
liaising with the Woodland Trust for Wales on your behalf
organising access to trees and equipment
connecting and organising meetings with experts who can offer advice and guidance
facilitating regular meetups of the woodland group to discuss plans and progress
depending upon the proposals we receive and the level of interest, arranging interaction with other aspects of the Tyfu Dyfi project

Access the Expression of Interest Form
If you are still interested in having your idea for woodland planting considered by the Tyfu Dyfi team, click on the button to the left – this links to a Google form which, if you fill it in, should give us enough information to be able to conduct an initial assessment of whether your suggestion is something we might support. You may not have much detail yet - that's ok - we'd still like to hear from you! Please get something in by Mon 7th Feb 2022 if you can, though this is not an absolute deadline.
NOTE: The call is now CLOSED. There maybe future calls depending on the progress of the project.
What happens next?
The relevant members of the Tyfu Dyfi consortium will meet to assess the Expressions of Interest we receive and select which woodland plantng ideas we are going to support.
The selection criteria we apply will be apparent as you fill the EoI form in, but in summary, we are looking primarily for ideas that:
Have a good chance of success, which will be sustained and have an existence long after the Tyfu Dyfi project
Make a solid contribution towards the fight against loss of biodiversity and climate change, and contribute towards local food security
Are value for money
Contribute to wider green infrastructure
Have preferrably got a social element and contribute towards well-being
Once we have considered your expression of interest, we will get in touch to let you know the outcome, for those ideas we select for Tyfu Dyfi support, we will most likely require further information and discussion.